2.8.1 k-nearest Neighbors

🎯 Learning objectives

You will be able to

  • describe the -Nearest Neighbors approach for classification and regression
  • calculate Euclidean distance between two points in two dimensions
  • perform standardization and normalization
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  • not all machine learning algorithms rely on linear models and a clear parametric form
  • does the green dot belong to the red or blue class?
    • 1: train a logistic regression based in x and y-values
    • 2: look for the -nearest neighbors
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  • 1 How to calculate the distance?
  • 2 what is a good number of neighbors?
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Euclidean distance

  • most commonly used distance metric
  • the length of a line segment between the two points
  • calculated from the Cartesian coordinates of the points using the Pythagorean theorem
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One Dimension

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Two Dimensions

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Example: Species Classification

  • prediction of the species based on beak length and depth
Observation Species Beak length in mm Beak depth in mm
1 1 Gentoo 40 19 ?
2 1 Gentoo 39 21 ?
3 1 Gentoo 42 23 ?
4 0 Adélie 20 18 ?
5 0 Adélie 25 17 ?
6 26 19 ?
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✍️ Task

  • Calculate the distance between observation 1 and 2:

⌛ 5 minutes

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🧠 Task

  • Calculate the distance between observation 1 and 2:
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Distance Table for all Observations
  • based on the beak length and depth
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 0,00 2,24 4,47 20,02 15,13 14,00
2 2,24 0,00 3,61 19,24 14,56 13,15
3 4,47 3,61 0,00 22,56 18,03 16,49
4 20,02 19,24 22,56 0,00 5,10 6,08
5 15,13 14,56 18,03 5,10 0,00 2,24
6 14,00 13,15 16,49 6,08 2,24 0,00
  • What species of penguin is observation 6 based on its three nearest neighbors?
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  • What species of penguin is observation 6 based on its three nearest neighbors?
    • Number 5 (Adélie), 4 (Adélie) and 2 (Gentoo) are closest
    • Number 6 is probably an Adélie
    • We can use the majority vote to predict the species with a probability of 2/3
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🤓 Problem 1: Curse of dimensionality

  • everything works fine, if we have a limited number of predictors (features)
  • the volume of the space increases so fast that the available data become sparse
  • if the number predictors becomes to large, we have have to reduce them
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🤓 Solutions
  • features selection (we did this before)
  • dimensionality reduction (we will cover this later)

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🧠 Problem 2: Differing Scales of Predictors

Observation Class Beak length in mm Beak depth in mm g Weight in kg
1 1 Gentoo 40 19 0.534
2 1 Gentoo 39 21 0.638
3 1 Gentoo 42 23 0.540
4 0 Adélie 20 18 0.453
5 0 Adélie 25 17 0.501
6 26 19 0.359
  • If we just calculate the distance, the influence of weight is much lower!
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🧠 Solution: Scaling of Predictors
  • We have no parameter in the model (compare in linear models) that adjust for the scale of
  • In such cases we can prepare the data before training the model
    • Normalization of a Variable is putting everything between and .

    • Standardization of a Variable is removing the mean and dividing by the deviation.

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  • Normalization bounds the values between 0 and 1 based on the min and max values
  • Standardization does not bound values to a specific range if we have outliers
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✍️ Task
  • perform a normalization of the Beak length and a standardization of the Weight.
Observation Class Beak length in mm Beak depth in mm g Weight in kg
1 1 Gentoo 40 19 0.534
2 1 Gentoo 39 21 0.638
3 1 Gentoo 42 23 0.540
4 0 Adélie 20 18 0.453
5 0 Adélie 25 17 0.501
6 26 19 0.359
⌛ 10 minutes, Solution
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🧠 Problem 3: How many neighbors to consider?

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  • best choice of k depends upon the data
    • larger values of reduces effect of the noise, but make decision boundaries between classes less distinct
    • smaller values of make decision boundaries more jagged and less distinct (over-fitting)
  • usually found by
    • grid search: trying out different during cross-validation
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2.8.2 🧠 -Nearest Neighbors Regression

  • In -NN regression, the output is the property value for the object.
  • This value is the average of the values of nearest neighbors.
  • instead of a class prediction
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  • 🧠 What is a good estimate of the beak depth of number 6?
Observation Species Beak length in mm Beak depth in mm g
1 1 Gentoo 40 19 ?
2 1 Gentoo 39 21 ?
3 1 Gentoo 42 23 ?
4 0 Adélie 20 18 ?
5 0 Adélie 25 17 ?
6 0 Adélie 26 ❓ ?
  • (2)-nearest neighbors based on a single feature Class
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🏆 Case Study

  • We will classify the penguin species and sex based on their characteristics using NN, grid search and data preprocessing.

7 Classification and Advanced Supervised Learning

⌛ 45 min

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