2.8.3 Decision Trees

🎯 Learning objectives

You will be able to

  • interpret a decision tree and translate it to if conditions and vice versa
  • explain the ID3 algorithm as pseudo code
  • 🤓 calculate the information gain of a data split
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🧠 Example: The Decision to play tennis

  • The knowledge we got from the data is captured in a tree structure
  • You can read the tree as a set of if-conditions
    if outlook == "Overcast":
        play_tennis = True
  • easy for humans to interpret
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  • Each internal node tests an attribute (predictor, feature, columns)
  • Each branch corresponds to attribute value (e.g., a category on )
  • Each leaf node (terminal node) assigns a classification (e.g., No/Yes)
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✍️ Task

  • What is the predicted variable classified in this tree?
  • What are the predictors () used in this tree?
  • how would a table with the predictors and predicted value look like. Create a table with one observation for each leaf.
  • Write down the decision tree as an if-condition in Python
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🧠 Task

  • What is the predicted variable classified in this tree?

    • Decision whether to play tennis (binary classification)
  • What are the predictors used in this tree?

    • Weather outlook, Humidity, Wind
  • Example Data

Outlook Humidity Wind Play?
Sunny High - No
Sunny Normal - Yes
Overcast - - Yes
Rain - Strong No
Rain - Weak Yes
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  • 🧠 How would You implement the Wind-node in python?
    if outlook == "Sunny":
        if humidity == "High"
            play = "No"
        elif humidity == "Normal"
            play = "Yes"
    elif outlook = "Overcast":
        play = "Yes"
    elif outlook = "Rain":
        if wind == "Strong"
            play = "No"
        elif wind == "Weak"
            play = "Yes"
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Decision Trees also work with continuous features
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Decision Boundaries

  • we want to classify the red and blue dots based on the features and
  • Decision boundaries split the data based on the feature values

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🧠 How to Build an Decision Tree from Data

  • ID3 algorithm (by J. Ross Quinlan)
  • top-down
  • greedy approach (compare gradient descent)
    • greedy heuristics just optimize the decision the next step, they often end up in local minima
1. Select the best attribute (feature in X) to split the data → A
2. Assign A as the decision attribute (test case) for the node
3. For each value (category) of A, create a new descendant of the node.
4. Sort the training examples to the appropriate descendant node leaf
5. If examples are perfectly classified, then stop else iterate over the new leaf nodes
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🧠 What is the best attribute?
  • has the most information gain
  • a measure that expresses how well an attribute splits
    that data into groups based on classification
  • higher purity regarding the classes or less information entropy within the classes
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🤓 Information Entropy

  • of a random variable is the average level of information, surprise, or uncertainty inherent to the variable's possible outcomes

  • Given a discrete random variable , which takes values in the alphabet and is distributed according to :

Here's great explanation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b6VdGHSV6qg
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🤓 Example Tossing a fair Coin
  • We have two possible outcomes in : heads () and tails (). For a fair coin both have a probability of
  • a fair coin toss has the maximum level of suprise
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  • We can use information entropy as a metric to find attribute where to split to get the highest information gain (highest purity of the classes)
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🤓 Example: The Data
  • We want to predict whether people play based on the other features:
Day Weather Temperature Humidity Wind Play?
1 Sunny Hot High Weak No
2 Cloudy Hot High Weak Yes
3 Sunny Mild Normal Strong Yes
4 Cloudy Mild High Strong Yes
5 Rainy Mild High Strong No
6 Rainy Cool Normal Strong No
7 Rainy Mild High Weak Yes
8 Sunny Hot High Strong No
9 Cloudy Hot Normal Weak Yes
10 Rainy Mild High Strong No
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  • if we split the data based on the wind data:
    • Before the split
    • No, Yes in the predicted variable
  • like in the coin toss (see plot before)
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  • after the split in the new node with only weak winds
Day Weather Temperature Humidity Wind : Play?
1 Sunny Hot High Weak No
2 Cloudy Hot High Weak Yes
7 Rainy Mild High Weak Yes
9 Cloudy Hot Normal Weak Yes
  • No, Yes in the predicted variable
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  • after the split in the new node with only strong winds
Day Weather Temperature Humidity Wind Play?
3 Sunny Mild Normal Strong Yes
4 Cloudy Mild High Strong Yes
5 Rainy Mild High Strong No
6 Rainy Cool Normal Strong No
8 Sunny Hot High Strong No
10 Rainy Mild High Strong No
  • No, Yes in the predicted variable

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  • we build the average based on the number of instances in the child nodes
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🤓✍️ Task
  • What is the information gain, if we split at Weather instead?
  • to calculate is
    import math

⌛ 10 minutes

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🤓 Sunny

Day Weather Temperature Humidity Wind Play?
1 Sunny Hot High Weak No
3 Sunny Mild Normal Strong Yes
8 Sunny Hot High Strong No
  • Nos, Yes in the predicted variable
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🤓 Cloudy

Day Weather Temperature Humidity Wind Play?
2 Cloudy Hot High Weak Yes
4 Cloudy Mild High Strong Yes
9 Cloudy Hot Normal Weak Yes
  • Nos, Yes in the predicted variable
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🤓 Rainy

Day Weather Temperature Humidity Wind Play?
5 Rainy Mild High Strong No
6 Rainy Cool Normal Strong No
7 Rainy Mild High Weak Yes
10 Rainy Mild High Strong No
  • Nos, Yes in the predicted variable
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  • we achieve a higher information gain
  • we have a pure node after weather="Cloudy"
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  • to find a good tree, we must calculate the information gain of many possible splits
  • especially, if we work with continuos features as we have to find not only the attribute but also the margin where to split the attribute (e.g., )
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  • trees become very deep, if we continue training to reach pure leafs
  • then they are likely to over-fit the data, which can be prevented in two ways
    • limit the maximum depth (number of nodes)
    • pruning
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  • removing nodes after initial training of the tree
  • decreased fit on the training set
  • tree is more likely to generalize on other data
  • Reduced error pruning: on a validation-set replace terminal leafs by majority voting and check whether the error increases
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✍️ Task
  • Draw the tree based in the following order of nodes:
    • Level 1: Temperature
    • Level 2: Wind
  • Mark the number of decisions to play or not in the final leaves
  • Which arm of the tree would you prune first?
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Day Weather Temperature Humidity Wind Play?
1 Sunny Hot High Weak No
2 Cloudy Hot High Weak Yes
3 Sunny Mild Normal Strong Yes
4 Cloudy Mild High Strong Yes
5 Rainy Mild High Strong No
6 Rainy Cool Normal Strong No
7 Rainy Mild High Weak Yes
8 Sunny Hot High Strong No
9 Cloudy Hot Normal Weak Yes
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When to use trees?

  • Instances describable by attribute-value pairs
  • Predicted variable is discrete valued (regression is also possible)
  • Possibly noisy training data
  • Humans should be able to interpret decisions
  • Not competitive with the best supervised learning approaches
  • Advances trees like random forests and gradient boosting are very competitive


  • Equipment or medical diagnosis
  • Credit risk analysis
  • Modeling calendar scheduling preferences
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🤓 2.8.4 Supervised Learning: Advanced Trees

🎯 Learning objectives

You will be able to

  • perform pruning
  • describe the difference between bagging and boosting
  • explain the idea behind a maximal margin classifier
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🤓 Ensemble methods

  • Why use one model, when You can use many?

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🤓 How to create different learners?

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🤓 Random Sampling (Bagging)


  • Training data is split in bag and out-of-bag for validation
  • The Out-Of-Bag-Error is the Out-of-Sample Error of the tree trained with the respective bag
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🤓 Boosting
  • with bagging, we randomly draw the bags
  • with boosting, we take into account the previous classifiers’ success
  • Data that was miss-classified before is emphasized

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🤓 Prediction

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🤓 Random Forrest (Bagging)

  • are a bagging approach to trees
  • different trees are trained on different data
  • the classification is based on the majority vote
  • they also include feature bagging
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🤓 Variable importance
  • parametric models (e.g. linear regression), have coefficients we can interpret
  • non-parametric models (e.g. -NN) are hard to interpret
  • random forests are non-parametric models, but it is possible to calculate the feature importance:
    • to measure the importance of the -th feature after training, the values of the -th feature are permuted among the training data
    • the out-of-bag error is again computed on the original and the perturbed data set
    • features with a large negative effect are ranked as more important
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🤓 eXtreme Gradient Boosting (Boosting)

  • open source implementation of gradient boosting based on trees
  • usually outperforms a random forest and is a good benchmark for other models
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```Mermaid graph TD A[Temperature] A ->|Hot| B[Wind] A ->|Mild| C[Wind] A ->|Cool| D[Wind] B ->|Weak| E(Yes: 2 \n No: 1 ) B ->|Strong| F(Yes: 0 \n No: 1 ) C ->|Weak| G(Yes: 1 \n No: 0) C ->|Strong| H( Yes: 2 \n No: 1) D ->|Weak| I(Yes: 0 \n No: 0) D ->|Strong| J(Yes: 0 \n No: 1 ) ```